Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So Obama's Speech Was This Afternoon

I've read it, and it was much better than I expected.

It is not what I would want in a perfect world, it's pretty much a 3rd way center right prescription, though it was rather stronger that I expected.

He did not sell out Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security, and he did not hippie punch, and he framed the Republican plan as a transfer from poor to rich.

The fact that he actually presented a moral argument here stuns me.

My only problem here, and I agree with Paul Krugman:
I should probably say, I could live with this as an end result. If this becomes the left pole, and the center is halfway between this and Ryan, then no — better to pursue the zero option of just doing nothing and letting the Bush tax cuts as a whole expire.
This is clearly a first shot in the 2012 campaign, though I hope that is more than that.

His statements about needing reforms in the social safety net toward the end of the speech worry me though.

I'll take what I can from him.


  1. It is early still.  He may yet sell out Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security.

  2. This is true.
