Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama Releases "Long Form" Birth Certificate

I guess this will make the birthers shut up………Not!!!

My thoughts on this are perhaps best expressed by Cthulhu*:
He f%$#ing caved to the GOP thugs, AGAIN. His BC is sufficient for him to get a license, a passport, and for every god-damned govt function we can think of.

I wanted to see Obama do the same as inn the movie "The American President", where he calls the phonies out, and declares he is the president, and he's off to take care of business, f%$# you microbrained idiots.
Of course, that was just a movie, reality is a lot more depressing.

*No, not the unspeakably malevolent super-being, the contributor to the Stellar Parthenon BBS.
OK, I've never seen the two of them together, so Cthulhu might actually be the Cthulhu, but the mere fact that he is on a BBS, interacting with humans would seem to mitigate against this.
Yes, I know, this is the internet, where no one knows if you are a dog.

1 comment:

  1. In  a real sense, this whole incident is an interesting look into Obama's mind.  He sincerely seems to want to work responsibly with people, and treat them as non-treasonous adults.

    What is sad, for some who is bright, is that he seems to have not learning curve.  This is not going to make the environment better. 

    Of course, according to Rove the birther movementis really a fiendishly cleaver Democratic conspiracy.  Say the last four word again and try not to laugh.
