Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kaine to Run For Virginia US Senate Seat

With Senator Jim Webb retiring after one term, former governor Tim Kaine has announced that he will be running for his seat.

His most likely opponent is former governor, former senator (Jim Webb beat him), and blithering idiot George Allen, Jr.

Kaine will lose for a number of reasons:
  • George Allen will not engage in the self immolation, like his "Macaca moment" and the unseemly scramble at damage control.
  • He is not following on the coat tails of very his very popular predecessor when he ran for governor, Mark Warner.
  • The base is simply not excited or motivated as it was in 2006.
  • As head of the DNC, he was very much a water carrier for Barack Obama, who has continuously blasted, and demoralized,  the base.
Notwithstanding the fact that the announcement of his candidacy pretends that Barack Obama does not exist, he cannot run away from the fact that he was Barack Obama's man at the DNC, brought in to expunge the successes of Howard Dean (2010 worked out so well).

I'm not saying that Obama per se  is an albatross around his neck, I am saying the reality is that he is a FoB (Friend of Barack), and any attempt at distancing himself will just hurt him in the campaign.

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