Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Great, Another Recount………

In the JoAnne Kloppenburg - David Prosser race for Wisconsin state Supreme Court Justice, Kloppenburg is ahead by around 300 votes out of the 1.5 million cast.

Prosser is clearly a horrorshow.  He's cursed at and threatened the chief justice, he's explicitly stated that he will enable Scott Walker's political agenda, and he was part of an all-Republican ruling on recusals and campaign contributors that flew in the face of a US Supreme Court ruling, so I really hope that Kloppenburg wins in the end.

That being said, absentee ballots, Wisconsin has fairly liberal absentee voting laws but no early voting, could swing it.  Republicans tend to push absentee ballots hard.

The politically savvy thing to do right now would be to start calling for Prosser to give it up, the uncertainty is bad for the state, as is the cost of the recount, but I cannot bring myself to do this:  I remember these same arguments in 2000 and Bush v. Gore, and I cannot say them.

In any case, what's good for the state, and what's good for the taxpayer never gets in the way of any Republican's quest for power, so why bother asking.


  1. > I remember these same arguments in 2000 and Bush v. Gore, and I cannot say them

    You can say them - the important thing is not to believe in them.

  2. No, I mean that when I try to put the words down, I feel physically ill.

    It appears that the 2000 "election" and George W. Bush was some sort of B.F. Skinner type operant conditioning.
