Monday, April 18, 2011

Biblical Plagues, We Haz Them!

So, Passover starts tonight, and so there is a lot of preparation.

Our house is supposed to be Chometz* free, so think of Spring cleaning run by a Jewish woman on the edge of madness.

Well, we get back from an SCA event on Saturday night, ready to start cleaning, and the power was out, and remained out for the next 18 hours.

But, as the saying goes, wait, there's more.

Marilyn, my mother-in-law, was coming to visit us, and took the bus down the New York City area, only the ticketing agent pointed her to the bus that was headed to Boston.

So, instead of arriving at 5pm on Sunday, she arrived at 6am today.

You know, I'm not a superstitious person, but I am expecting problems with blood, frogs, and cattle disease at our Seder tonight.

Light posting the next few days, because of the holidays.

*Leavened bread, and related products, which include things like beans if you are a Jew of Eastern European extraction.
Major props to my brother Daniel, who lives about 40 minutes outside of Boston, who picked up Marilyn and took her to dinner before taking her back to the bus station.
Which I guess is a mealy mouthed way of saying that I am a superstitious person under these circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, you have yet to show us any pictures of your SCA adventures.  For shame!
