Monday, April 4, 2011

And He is Calling His Base C#$% Suckers

On the day that Barack Obama decides to formally announce his candidacy for President, he decided to kick his base in the teeth by dropping real trials for terrorism defendants, and going with the Guantanamo kangaroo courts:
The Obama administration, ending more than a year of indecision with a major policy reversal, will prosecute Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other people accused of plotting the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks before a military commission and not a civilian court, as it once planned.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced on Monday that he has cleared military prosecutors at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to file war-crimes charges against the five detainees in the Sept. 11 case.

Mr. Holder had decided in November 2009 to move the case to a federal civilian courtroom in New York City, but the White House abandoned that plan amid a political backlash.

The shift was foreshadowed by stiffening Congressional resistance to bringing Guantánamo detainees into the United States, and by other recent steps clearing the way for new tribunal trials.
Expect more of this.  Barack Obama thinks that doing the wrong thing just to piss off your base and pandering to your enemies* is somehow "grown up" behavior.

It's going to be a long f%$#ing campaign.

*They aren't his opponents, they are his enemies, and his treatment of them as principles opposition is stupid.

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