Friday, February 18, 2011

Judge Who Accepted Bribes to Jail Children is Convicted

Mark Ciavarella, Jr. who took kickbacks from private prisons to sentence children to confinement, has been found guilty of racketeering, money-laundering conspiracy, fraud and filing false income tax returns, though not of bribery:
A federal jury on Friday found a former Pennsylvania judge guilty in a so-called kids-for-cash scheme, in which he took money in exchange for sending juvenile offenders to for-profit detention centers.


The jury found him not guilty, however, of seven counts of extortion and 10 counts of bribery.

The former judge faces a maximum sentence of 157 years in prison. The jury also ruled he must forfeit $997,600.
I think that the jury felt that they had to find proof that he would not have sent these kids away if he hadn't been paid, i.e. what was in his head at the time, which is impossible.

Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned, but the fact that hid the money, that whole money laundering and racketeering bit, is pretty good evidence that he knew what he was doing is illegal, but I wasn't in the court room.

Here is hoping that the judge sentences him to the max.  What Ciavarella did was truly beneath contempt.

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