Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is More Typical of the Soviet Gulag Era, not the United States

Alleged Wikileaks source Bradley Manning has only one civilian non-lawyer visitor, David House, and he and Jane "Firedog Lake" Hamsher, who is generally his ride to the brig in Quantico, were detained, and her car was towed.

According to House's and Hamsher's reports, the guards said that the orders came from the top, and they were made to stand outside for an extended period in sub-freezing weather.

Seriously, one can assume, based on his background, that Barack "The worst constitutional law professor ever" Obama should know better, but it appears that he just does not care.

If you are an American citizen, you are more at risk of indefinite non-judicial detention or assassination then you ever were under George W. Bush.

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