Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pass the Popcorn…

Someone just hit 4chan hit by DDoS attack:
Controversial image board 4chan came under a denial of service attack on Tuesday.

A status message on 4chan's status boards (below) reported that the birthplace of anonymous and home of midget porn had joined the "ranks of MasterCard, Visa, PayPal" as victims of a denial of service attack.
Site is down due to DDoS. We now join the ranks of MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, et al.—an exclusive club!
The Anonymous contingent of 4chan was behind the attacks on Mastercard et al over the refusal of many elements of the banking industry to do business with Wikileaks. In response, patriot hacktivists have launched denial of service attacks on 4chan IRC channels.
This could get … interesting.

As to who I root for in this conflict, God bless them both, and keep them far away from me!

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