Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Beginning to Think that Rove was Involved in the Gunpowder Plot*

Seriously. We have his fingerprints all over the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame, over the firing of US Attorneys who refused to engage in political witch hunts, and on the political prosecution of Don Siegelman.

Well, now it appears that Karl Rove is involved in the sexual assault charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange:
These days, Sweden and the United States are apparently undertaking a political prosecution as audacious and important as those by the notorious "loyal Bushies" earlier this decade against U.S. Democrats.

The U.S. prosecution of WikiLeaks, if successful, could criminalize many kinds of investigative news reporting about government affairs, not just the WikiLeaks disclosures that are embarrassing Sweden as well as the Bush and Obama administrations. Authorities in both countries are setting the stage with pre-indictment sex and spy smears against WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange, plus an Interpol manhunt.

"This all has Karl's signature," a reliable political source told me a week and a half ago in encouraging our Justice Integrity Project to investigate Rove's Swedish connection. "He must be very happy. He's right back in the middle of it. He's making himself valuable to his new friends, seeing the U.S. government doing just what he'd like ─ and screwing his opponents big-time."
The theory here is that Rove has something to cover up that Wikileaks has.

That's possible, but I am more concerned about the possibility that someone in the Obama may have affirmatively sought him out in order to set something up against Assange and Wikileaks.

If that is the case, then we are in a much bigger world of hurt than previously imagined.

*A plot by Catholics in 1605 to blow up parliament.


  1. As a Swede myself, it's really amazing to sea how people around the world think the rape alligations in Sweden has anything to do with Wikileaks, and laughable that they think the Swedish government is trying to interfear with Swedish prosecuters' investigations and 3 different courts' verdicts, including HD, Swedish Supreme Court. And now this, with Karl Rove.

    This is exactly what US authorities want people to believe. Get the picture: The US plan is to stop an extradition to Sweden, simply because an extradition from UK is much easier to succeed with, since the UK-US extradition treaty from 2003 is much more US-friendly than the Swedish-US treaty from 1963.

    A Swedish court can't extradite JA to the US, because it would be impossible to find any matching offence. And the Swedish gouvernment can't change the court's decision. It's against Swedish law. They can only change it, for human reasons, the other way around.

    The really sad thing is, that almost everyone who defends Wikileaks, including Assange himself, swallows the US bait. Please, turn this ship around, before it's to late.

  2. I would be more confident in you view if the US and Sweden did not already come to an agreement to undermine Offentlighetsprincipen with regards to notifying parliament about US intelligence activities in Sweden.

    As to Wikileaks, I agree with the basic goal, whatever goes on with Assange, which is that the overarching secret security state is antithetical to a free society and should be fought aggressively.
