Friday, November 12, 2010

Yahoo's Decline

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A Testament to Management Selfishness
I was discussing this graphic on the Stellar Parthenon BBS.

It details the history of Yahoo's acquisition activity, and it is grim.

Pretty much everything that they ever bought never made money when they bought it, and never made money after they bought it, and they sold it for a loss.

In any case, someone was wondering why companies keep making purchases like this, and I put in my 2¢:
Carly bought Compaq, and then promptly demanded a raise from the board, since HP was now a larger firm.

Buying this sh%$ provides a justification for upper management to demand a raise, and provides a bump in visibility which raises their profile when they apply for the next position, where they demand even more money.

It's the virtue of selfishness, baby.*
Basically, this is the problem with corporate governance in the United States, there isn't any.

Basically, we don't have managers, we have pillagers running companies in the United States, and it is destroying us.

Not only has our politics become klepto-capitalist, but so has our entire culture, even when the government is not involved.

H/t Barry Ritholtz.

*Why yes, this is a reference to the execrable Ayn Rand's even more execreable book by the same name, why do you ask?

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