Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oklamoma, Where the Dumb Comes Sweeping Down the Plains

So, someone decides to ban "Sharia Law," in Oklahoma, which will almost certainly be overturned, someone already has a claim that it invalidates his will in violation of the First Amendment, but the constitutional amendment, which intends to, "prohibit state courts from considering international law or Islamic law when deciding cases," also has the effect of banning the 10 commandments:
[U of OK Law Professor Joseph] Thai said the ballot measure "raises thorny church-state problems as well" and could even affect a state judge's ability to consider the Ten Commandments.

"The Ten Commandments, of course, is international law. It did not originate in Oklahoma or the United States," Thai said.

Both the politicians who place demagoguery above observing their oaths of office, and the voters who pulled the lever for this crap.

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