Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Larry Summers to Resign After November Elections

It looks like Obama needed to make some change, though it looks like they will be changes for the worse, because they are looking to replace him as director of Obama's National Economic Council with someone who is even more of a wall street insider than Summers:
Administration officials are weighing whether to put a prominent corporate executive in the NEC director’s job to counter criticism that the administration is anti-business, one person familiar with White House discussions said. White House aides are also eager to name a woman to serve in a high-level position, two people said.…
Because appeasing whining bankers is job 1 at the White House, I guess, because we are all just little people.
… They also are concerned about finding someone with Summers’ experience and stature, one person said.
Well, if they want someone who can match Summers' record of being right, and his record of moral rectitude, I might suggest Dick Cheney, Ben Stein, or Vlad Tepes.

As I have said many times, remember, the Cossacks work for the Czar, and I think that the basic problem here is top down, not bottom up.

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