Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jail, please

Gee, the SEC has determined that Citicorp CEO Chuck Prince and Chairman of the Board, and Clinton era Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Rubin both knew that the numbers that they were feeding investors about their top tranches of mortgage backed securities were crap:
Charles O. “Chuck” Prince and Robert Rubin were among Citigroup Inc. officials who knew 2007 losses were mounting on mortgage assets that U.S. regulators have faulted the bank for not disclosing, a court filing shows.

Prince, the bank’s chief executive officer at the time, and Rubin, who was then chairman, knew the highest-rated segments of subprime mortgage-backed securities were the source of about $200 million in new losses in October 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission said yesterday in a filing at federal court in Washington. In July, the agency accused the bank and two other executives of failing to disclose $40 billion in subprime assets before losses surged. It didn’t target Prince and Rubin.
Bob Rubin has been Gordon Gecko for a very long time, and if the Obama administration wants to show some real commitment to financial reform, ramping up criminal investigations of his behavior would be a very good idea.

If you put a former Secretary of the Treasury in jail, it goes a long way toward cleaning up the system.

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