Thursday, September 30, 2010

Deep Thought

If the Dems lose the House and Senate, it will because they did not deserve to hold onto it.

If the Dems hold the House and Senate, it will be despite the fact that they do not deserve to hold onto it.


  1. col:
    If the Dems hold the House and Senate, it will be despite the fact that they do not deserve to hold onto it and because the Repubs manage to front and even less deserving candidates.

  2. Well, yes, as Napoleon said, and I as paraphrasing, "Never prevent your enemy from stepping on his own dick."

    That, however, is tactics, rather than a "deep thought" which is intended to offer a broader and less specific view.

    BTW, have you heard the latest, the anti-masturbation activist/witch is also a former Hare Krishna.

