Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Because Lying to the American Public is Post Partisan

I didn't follow the commentary after Obama's speech, hell, I didn't follow the speech, I was busy driving back home to help out with a family emergency* but Rachel Maddow nails it:
"And to to have in this speech, as combat operations are ending, to have, as you point out Keith, the president not only not addressing the circumstances in which he we went to war, but these kind words for President Bush, describing his commitment to our security, despite the recklessness with which President Bush discarded that national security in favor of this war of choice, which only diminished our security, and is responsible probably for the Afghanistan war still going on today, for the depths of people who have died in Afghanistan after the time, after which that war would have ended had we not gone to Iraq, not to mention all of the people who died in Iraq," Maddow continued.

"To talk about him having a demonstrated commitment to our security, having started this war on the terms on which he started it, -- I mean, it's beyond restraint from President Obama and anyone in the pro-Iraq war, pro-Bush camp who doesn't feel like they've been given the greatest political present they never deserved was not listening to this speech," she concluded.
I understand that Obama is not big into confronting people on wrongdoing, and I understand that he wants to look forward, not back, but he lied.

He sat in the oval office, and he lied through his teeth, because he is such conflict averse that he has to praise George W. Bush.

It wasn't enough to not say anything, he felt compelled to lie to please people who will always hate him.

It's truly pathological.

*Wife and kids are fine, but there are some health issues amongst the extended family.

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