Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And the Stupid Motherf%$#ers Never Even Tried to Make it a Campaign Issue

So a measure to repeal tax subsidies to ship jobs overseas failed in the face of a Republican filibuster:
As expected, a Senate bill designed to end tax breaks for U.S. companies that move jobs and manufacturing plants overseas failed a key test vote Tuesday.

With a 53-45 vote, Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic efforts to end debate and ultimately vote on a "jobs" bill.

Top Democrats have claimed the bill would help keep American jobs from going overseas. But when it came to the test vote, four Democrats voted with Republicans to block the bill.
Here is the kicker:
The bill came out of nowhere last week and wasn't discussed or debated, as a package, by any of the Senate's committees. It would have given companies a break on payroll taxes for new U.S. jobs that replace positions that had been based overseas.
It's a f%$#ing election year, and you weren't using this as a club to beat Republicans over the head with on a daily basis for weeks?

Are these motherf%$#ers trying to lose the election?

Actually, considering the video evidence, the answer to that is probably yes.

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