Friday, July 30, 2010

A Clarification on Yesterday's Post

On the whole, I think that Barack Obama's administration is immeasurably better than George W. Bush's. It is on the specific areas of immigration, the jihad against whistleblowers, the national security state, and Afghanistan where he is by all objective measures much worse.

Yesterday's post, was about those specific areas, and in other areas he compares favorably:
  • On healthcare, Obama is head and shoulders above Bush and His Evil Minions. (But still pretty lame and timid)
  • On Labor, Obama is head and shoulders above Bush and His Evil Minions. (But still pretty lame and timid)
  • On financial regulation, Obama is head and shoulders above Bush and His Evil Minions. (But still pretty lame and timid)
  • On the budget and taxation, Obama is head and shoulders above Bush and His Evil Minions. (But still pretty lame and timid)
Huh, there appears to be a pattern.


  1. > immeasurably better

    So a few questionable areas of improvement somehow immensely outweigh the continued and intensified war, torture, secrecy and persecution of immigrants?

    As to those supposed areas of improvement: Obamacare is very similar in method and effect to Bush's Medicare Part D. Both improve healthcare for many (but by no means all) by shunting huge sums of taxpayer money into the hands of a few rich corporations.

    The Obama financial regulation bill is akin to the Sarbanes-Oxley bill enacted under Bush under similar circumstances. The systemic effects of those bills may be very similar (i.e., vanishingly small).

    Regarding labor and budget and taxation, I am not aware of any noteworthy Obama policies. What specifically are you thinking of?

  2. Damn, and I thought that I was a glass half empty kind of guy.
