Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Torturing Duncan Black

Mr. Black, better known by his nom de blog Atrios, coined the term, "Friedman Unit ," to describeThomas "The Mustache of Pablum" Friedman's penchant for saying that the whichever war we are involved in will be won in the next 6 months.

A few months later Friedman would say that the next 6 months were "crucial."


Well, now Michael O'Hanlon is torturing the young lad:
At this moment, as we enter into perhaps the most crucial six months of the entire war, I hope and pray that President Obama will decide we cannot afford to be without the leadership of such an amazing American.
(emphasis mine)

Mr. Black wants someone to, "Make it stop."

Your mouth to God's ear, Mr. Black.

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