Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jon Stewart Nails the Press … Again

The Best Journalist in America
This time, he's angry at the press, Fox, or rather the idiotic Gretchen Carlson, in particular, but the press as a whole, over their coverage of the McChrystal affair.

He notices that everyone in the MSM is stunned and amazed that Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings was willing to piss off someone by doing his job, and thus not have him as a source again.

You see, a lot of bad reporting is driven by the fact that reporters have their tongues so far up well connected sources asses that they can taste tonsil, and it makes the mainstream media resemble a protection racket.

H/t the inner walls, aka my hairy barbarian elder brother, who dryly observes, "What a concept, doing the job comes first, careerism later."

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