Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Hope That This is True

Josh Marshall is reporting that Florida Republicans are accusing Florida Democrats of sponsoring the Florida Tea Party, which is actually an officially registered party in Florida:
Now, as Christina explained today, Republicans are claiming that the whole Florida Tea Party (FTP) operation is actually a plot by Democrats to field a lot of potemkin candidates who show up on the ballot with the "Tea Party" label so that right-wing Republicans split their votes (between the GOP candidate and the 'Tea Party' candidate) and thus make it possible for a lot of vulnerable Democrats to slip through.

Now, the Republicans who are complaining about this don't have the goods. Not enough to prove it at least. But there's enough there to arouse suspicion. A lot of the candidates signed up at the last moment, many are young and have little if any political or even voting history and a number have past ties to the Democratic party. Republicans frequently help Green Party candidates get on the ballot. And if the shoe were on the other foot I think Dems would be suspicious too.
Republicans have been bankrolling the Green Party in various forms for decades, contributing not only money, but signatures for ballot access.

I hope that this is true and I hope that it continues.

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