Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Agree

This would be a vastly better world to live in if Matt Drudge decided to handle his emotional problems more responsibly, and set himself on fire.
For those of you whodon't know, the preceedings was written by Dave Weigel on the private (and now shuttered) JournOlist listserv, and was subsequently leaked to right wing bloggers, leading to his resignation from his position at the Washington Post as their blogger covering the right wing movement.

It should be noted that a number of prominent conservatives have come to his defense.

I cannot speak to the ethics of leaking information from a private listserv, after all we see a lot of leaked private emails when the media covers other industries, but I think that whoever did this was a dick, though they might be an ethical dick.*

Needless to say, it all that the Washington, DC professional blogosphere is talking about right now, to which my response is to go back to covering the damn news.

BTW, if you read the Washington Post Ombudsman's article on this, which is basically a plea to conservatives to like them, you will understand why you should not subscribe to the paper.

*Come to think of it, "Ethical Dick" is a should be a synonym for "good reporter."

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