Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Does Jordan River Water Make You Stupid?

Because it does appear that stupidity is way too common in the Middle East.

Case in point: After 9 deaths, and a major propaganda victory, Hamas is refusing the supplies that the ships were trying to deliver:
Israel has attempted to deliver humanitarian aid from an international flotilla to Gaza, but Hamas -- which controls the territory -- has refused to accept the cargo, the Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday.

Palestinian sources confirmed that trucks that arrived from Israel at the Rafah terminal at the Israel-Gaza border were barred from delivering the aid.
Does this place make people stupid-crazy, or is it that the people who aren't stupid-crazy simply leave?

I'm just wondering, because there has been an endemic of stupid over the past 72 hours or so.

1 comment:

  1. The Bear that swims.June 3, 2010 at 5:07 PM

    Not stupid.  Hamas would like the blockade to continue, just as Castro does. 

    They don't need humanitarian aid for their purposes.
