Friday, May 21, 2010

Why I Read Joe Steffen's Blog

If you know nothing of Maryland Politics, you don't know who Joe Steffen is.

He's a Republican political operative, formerly Bob Ehrlich's aide, who is currently on the outs with the party, who is also known by his nickname, the "Prince of Darkness."

I think of him as Lee Atwater writ on a state wide basis.

That being said, he tends to be rather more chatty about the comings and goings of Republican party politics in the state (In fact, it was imprudent postings on a BBS that were traced back to him which got him fired by "Bad Hair Bob" some years back), and so, despite my profound disagreements with him on issues of policy, I read his blog and I hear a lot of good inside baseball.

Case in point, he outs Republican party stalwart David Nawrocki for sending campaign emails from his work account.

It seems like a minor thing, until you realize that Nawrocki works for the Social Security Administration, which makes his email a criminal violation of the Hatch act.


This is why I blogroll people and subscribe to their RSS feeds. It's not because I agree with them, but because they can teach me things.


  1. Was Joe fired for the rumors or for obscene things allegedly on his computer?

  2. Joe was fired for spreading false rumors that O'Malley was sleeping around on his wife on

    The O'Malley campaign caught him by sock puppeting as a supporter, and getting him to take credit for it.

    See the Wiki.

  3. I read Joe Steffen's blog for the same reason. The Md4Bush/NCPAC incident proved he's a stand-up guy.  Plus, he's often hysterical.....

    - Steve Lebowitz, Annapolis
