Saturday, May 1, 2010

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: Car Bomb Found in Times Square

Thankfully, it did not go off, but it was sitting there smoking away:
The police discovered a car bomb in a smoking Nissan Pathfinder in the heart of Times Square, prompting the evacuation of thousands of tourists and theatergoers from the area on a warm and busy Saturday evening.

There was no explosion.

“It appears to be a car bomb left in a Pathfinder between Seventh and Eighth” Avenues on 45th Street, said Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman.

The device, he said, contained “explosive elements” that included “propane tanks, some kind of powder, gasoline and a timing device.”


The explosive materials were discovered about 6:30 by a mounted police officer who saw a box with smoke pouring from it in the back of the Pathfinder, Mr. Browne said. The officer called for backup, and the Fire Department and bomb squad.

The Pathfinder’s back window was broken out, Mr. Browne said, and the police sent in a “robotic device” to “observe it.”

Mr. Browne said gunpowder had been found in the vehicle, but not a high-grade explosive. The timing device was a clock attached to wires. The gasoline was in cans and there appeared to be two or three propane tanks.
Apparently, had it worked, it would have been more of a woosh (followed by a weenie roast) than a boom, but still, it's unsettling.

The composition was gunpowder, unclear if they mean black powder or modern smokeless powder, cans of gasoline, and propane tanks, which sounds to my, "Haven't blown sh%$ up since I was in my teens," mind to be a pretty amateur operation.

Still, WTF?!?!?

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