Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not Sure What this Means

Or if it means anything, but a Republican candidate, Charles Djou,won the special election in Hawaii's 1st district, largely because it was winner take all election, and two Democrats split the vote:
In Hawaii, Djou received 67,610 votes, or 39.4 percent. He was trailed by Hanabusa, who received 52,802 votes, or 30.8 percent. Case received 47,391 votes, or 27.6 percent.
I would add to this the fact that Djou courted the teabaggers, and it increasingly looks like those folks have run out their string, and people are realizing that there is an awful lot of racism at the bottom of that cesspool.

I find the election results in PA-12, John Murtha's old district, a week ago, where a Democrat won despite being behind in the polls a bit more indicative, but I am not an unbiased observer.

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