Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Suppose that this Was Inevitable

Could it be ………… Satan?
GameStation, a UK video games retailer, has entered the final frontier of click-through licensing, it has added ownership of users immortal souls as one of the conditions of the agreement:
Popular UK video games retail company GameStation has claimed that the retailer legally owns the 'immortal souls' of thousands of online shoppers thanks to a clause in the 'Terms and Conditions' documents, which, sadly most customers don't read before purchasing an item online.

GameStation reported that, as a part of the April Fool's day gag, the retailer changed the online 'Terms and Conditions' form and added the so-called 'Immortal Soul' clause, which read that “By placing an order via this web site on the first day of the fourth month of the year 2010 Anno Domini, you agree to grant us a non transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul.”
Unsurprisingly, very few people notices, and very few opted out of this requirement:
GameStation also offered customers a chance to reclaim their souls by clicking on the 'opt out' button at the end of the document.

However, out of the 8500 customers that visited the retail site on that day, only 12 percent of them managed to read the 'Immortal Soul' clause and swiftly saved their souls from damnation by opting out.
I think that it is clear that to the degree that Satan exists in the manner of Zoroastrian/Christian concept,* he is kicking himself for not having come up with this earlier.

*The idea of Satan being an entity in direct opposition to God is largely a Zoroastrian concept, which was adopted by Christianity. In Judaism, Satan is a title which means adversary, though perhaps a better translation is prosecutor, and is more the inclination to do evil than the guy with the horns and tail.

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