Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another Shoe Drops on Blumenthal

The Stamford Advocate quotes him as saying, "I wore the uniform in Vietnam," which sounds particularly damning, though there is not video or audio tape at this time.

Seriously, the primary is in a few weeks, Connecticut Dems, time to switch horses.

It's more than just a misstatement or two, because saying things like this:
"I wore the uniform in Vietnam and many came back to all kinds of disrespect. Whatever we think of war, we owe the men and women of the armed forces our unconditional support."
Appears to be at the core of his public personae. It's his version of, "A noun, a verb, and 911." Every 3rd word out of his mouth is something like this, or like the largely apocryphal spitting stories, and as such this makes him seriously damaged goods.

If he does not lose the primary, he just got the state party endorsement, he will very likely lose the general.

H/t The Plum Line.

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