Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We See the Beginnings of Competence

About bloody time!
So, after the disastrous negotiations on healthcare with the Republicans, Barack Obama and His Stupid Minions begin to get a clue.

On financial reform, Organizing for America, the Obama campaign political arm, is running ads using Republican opposition to financial reform to Wall Street as a club to beat them with.

Certainly, this is better than their strategy on healthcare reform, which was to let Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) sandbag them by engaging in extensive negotiations when she had not the slightest intention of voting for cloture.

H/t FT Alphaville.


  1. It would be a lot more credible if Obama gave back the $994,000 he got from Goldman Sachs, the $701,000 he got from Citi, $695,000 from JPMorgan, the $515,000 he got from Morgan Stanley. or the $39,000,000 he got from the banking, insurance and real estate industries.  There all 'evil' but Obama is a pro at spending other people's money.

  2. You miss the point:  I am talking about political competence, not policy competence.

    If Obama had not been a captive of Wall Street, he would have never hired Geithner and Summers.

    As it stands now, he will do the minimum amount of reform that the politics of the situation demands, but that still makes him better than McConnell, Boehner, and the rest of those fucks.
