Friday, April 16, 2010

Sounds Awfully Familiar

So, Allee Bautsch, a fundraiser for Bobby Jindal, the Governor, and Village Idiot, of Louisiana gets mugged in New Orleans, and "source close to Bautsch tells Yahoo! News that they were politically motivated."

Note that official sources have made no such claims, but a conservative blogger seems to have put words in the mouth of a NOPD spokesman.

In any case, the Times Picayune has some decent coverage which appears to make it clear that no political epithets were involved, it was a bunch of drunken assholes.

As an FYI to those living under rocks in the past year, the pic is not of Ms. Bautsch,* but of Ashley Todd.

*Whose name, for some reason, I keep spelling Bat-sh%$.

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