Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quote of the Day

This man should spend the rest of his life digging coal a mile below the earth with his bare hands
Crusiing the innerwebz, a member of the by invitation only Stellar Parthenon BBS discovered the following video of Massey CEO Don Blankenship's.

It's short, but you will note that he thinks that agencies attempting to make coal mines safer are as "silly as global warming."

Well, one of the users, Jolly Reaper, on said the following:
If he doesn't get whacked by a miner, this nation really is full of pussies.
It's true.

One of the great tragedies of US culture is that when disgruntled employees go on shooting sprees, they target their coworkers, as opposed to upper management, which should then be followed by a few acquittals.

While any loss of life is tragic, if there was a real fear of death among upper management as to their safety, we would see better management.

It seems that even workers going postal give too much deference to the MBA/Banker types.

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