Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pharmacist Troubles

On Monday, I had a regular appointment with our doctor, and mentioned that I had a tick bite on the prior Tuesday, and that since I had Lyme disease before (1992), and actually ended up in the hospital with Lyme Carditis.

Since the standard test would show positive, it tests for the antibody whether or not I had it, so the Dr. S. prescribed a prophylactic antibiotic regime.

The standard drug for this is something in the Tetracycline family, most commonly Doxycycline, which he prescribed, and I filled at the CVS near our house.

It's a mile away, and open 24 hours, but we have never been too satisfied with the service.

In this case, they filled the prescription in ½ hour while I got some blood tests, and filled it, no muss, no fuss ……… Or so it seemed.

The instructions on the label called for taking the pills at least two hours after, or one hour before, eating; i.e. on an empty stomach.

So, rolling the Wiki:
It should be taken with a full glass of water, after food, and patients should be upright for at least 30 minutes after administration to prevent irritation of the esophagus and stomach. Failure to take food prior to ingesting Doxycycline may induce vomiting.
Take doxycycline with food or following a meal. If you have taken doxycycline on an empty stomach before and gotten away with it, the next time may be different. Doxycycline induced nausea is quite unpleasant and more serious stomach irritation can occur.
Also, no note on the label not to take it before bed, nor to avoid sunlight and UV, though Dr. S. told me that last part.

I've been wondering who the hell has been doing the flaming sword dance in my stomach for the past few days.


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