Monday, April 12, 2010

No Outrage From Me At All

Developing nations are threatening to cut aid to poorer nations that do not sign onto to greenhouse gas reductions:
Rich countries have threatened to cut vital aid to the developing nations if they do not back the deal agreed at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, it has emerged.

The pressure on poor countries to support the US, EU and UK-brokered Copenhagen accord came as 190 countries resumed UN climate talks in Bonn in an atmosphere of mutual suspicion.

"The pressure to back the west has been intense," said a senior African diplomat. "It was done at a very high level and nothing was written down. It was made very clear by the EU, UK, France and the US that if they did not back them then they would suffer."
My heart bleeds borscht for them.

The idea that LDC's, which for some reason includes two of the industrial powerhouses of the world, India and China, should get a free ride, and basically be allowed to destroy the world is complete crap.

If you want to piss in the punch bowl, don't expect to be invited to the party.

Not only is such arm twisted to be expected, it is the right thing to do.

The damage that was done by the Kyoto protocols, where the LDC's were left off the hook, giving polluting industries an incentive to move there and continue to pollute, is huge and ongoing.

We want more of this arm twisting, not less.

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