Friday, April 9, 2010

I Wholeheartedly Approve

Someone on DU related their experience with reporting someone threatening violence against Obama to the Secret Service: (Click for full size screen shot)
I called the Secret Service on a wingnut threatening Obama

Edited on Fri Apr-09-10 12:13 AM by Jack_Dawson

on his Facebook. "We need to take him OUT! BY ANY MEANS!" he said Friday night at 10:30 (one can only speculate whether alcohol played a factor).

I called my local SS field office on Saturday. Sent them screenshots. They followed up with him, and he mysteriously removed the OP. But that wasn't good enough for the Secret Service. They called me again today to send them more screenshots - to see if he had redacted his comment. He had not.

Then about an hour ago, he posted this:

"I suggest REMOVING Obama from office through legal, lawful and Constitutional methods ONLY! I DO NOT AND WOULD NOT ADVOCATE VIOLENCE!

If you see / hear something similar, I suggest contacting your district office. They do follow up.
Indeed. There has been a lot of violent eliminationist rhetoric, and when it devolves to the point of being a specific threat, reporting it to the authorities is a civic duty.

I am not suggesting the sort of reaction that got Richard Humphreys 37 months in the clink for making "Burning Bush" jokes, but when speech becomes explicit threats, or an exhortation to specific violent action, it's a problem.

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