Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Think That This Is Misleading

So, Gallup has a poll, which reveals a much higher level of support for regulating "Wall Street" than it does for regulating "Big Banks".

The net goes from +3% to +14% thus "showing" that regulating Wall Street is much more popular.

The thing is, the delta for "In Favor" is only +4%, and the delta for "No Opinion" is only +3%, and, "Qne can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points."

So, we can say that while the drop in opposition -7% is significant, but the other ones are within the margin of error, though the sample size is ½ that of the full survey, and I am not sure that it effects the MOE.

If you want to argue that this points to a good frame to use on the argument for reform, feel free.

There is a measurable improvement in the polling by using "Wall Street", but the change in terminology is not a silver bullet to Mitch McConnell's filibuster werewolf.

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