Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm Henry VIII I Am

Well, not exactly, but it appears that my 2 weeks on Doxycycline has given me gout in my left big toe.

One of the triggers for gout is a sterile digestive tract, which the drug has delivered in spades.

I went to the urgent care clinic, and after a bit of a wait, got a quick diagnosis from the doctor.

I'm on Indocin, which is basically industrial strength Ibuprofen, and Colchicine, which is some weird stuff derived from the Autumn crocus.

The instructions for Colchicine say, "Take 1-2 tablets every 2 hours until pain stops, or nausea-vomiting-diarrhea."

I just the Wiki on Colchicine. Great googly moogly. This is nasty stuff, as in a fairly potent cellular toxin when used to excess..

I'm taking my meds, and another acidophilus to deal with the "sterile digestive tract," and heading to bed, thank you very much.


  1. jeez dude, best wishes on a quick recovery from whatever it is that you contracted.

    I lurk daily, and just want to say thanks for an excellent (and it seems, largely unappreciated) blog.

    thanks again!

  2. Well, my toe still hurts, but it's good enough that I can do some neglected lawn mowing, but the Colchicine, while a good treatment for gout, is actually fairly toxic, and as a result, I think that I finally passed that slice of fruit cake that I ate in 1997.
