Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Call This a Good Start

The labor union the SEIU is starting a 3rd party named North Carolina First in that state.

They are collecting signatures to get qualified as a state party, and the implication is that they will be running candidates in the general against the Blue Dogs Heath Shuler and Mike McIntyre, as well as conservative Larry Kissell.

My attitude is that this is a good thing.

To quote James "I hate that smarmy bastard" Baker, "F%$# them, they didn't vote for us."*

I don't have a problem with this. There is a difference between a conservative Democrat, and particularly in a conservative district, I understand the difference.

Shuler, McIntyre, and Kissell are disloyal democrats, and they can reliably be counted on to vote against healthcare, financial reform, and fair labor rights.

Truth be told, if they want to go after just one of them, I would suggest going after Shuler.

He's the whip of the Blue Dogs, and taking him down would make the rest of those guys think twice about playing to Fox News as a political strategy

I would note that my hostility towards Shuler might be a function of his tenure as a Washington Redskins over-priced first round draft pick washout.

*Yes, I am aware that Baker said this about Jews and the Republican party while serving in the Poppie Bush administration.

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