Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Economics Update

Well, we have mostly good news today, with the Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions, aka "The Beige Book", showed the economy picking up steam in March.

Additionally, the retail sales report for March rose more than expected, and diesel fuel consumption rose indicating increased transportation activities, and the US trade deficit rose, which also indicates an increase in demand.

On the down side, the National Federation of Independent Business' index of small business optimism fell in March, and since this is where most jobs are created, it does not bode well for jobs in the near term.

In real estate, mortgage applications fell for the 6th straight week, which is not surprising, as mortgage rates have been trending higher and the FHA has started to charge more for mortgage insurance to replenish its depleted reserves.

Finally, inflation seems to remain well under control with the March CPI rising by only 0.1%

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