Sunday, April 4, 2010

Conservatives Feel Entitled to Their Own Facts

As evidenced by the recent assault on history by conservatives.

Cases in point, arguing that:
  • Alexander Hamilton, the most vociferous supporter of a strong government and against the powers of the states amongst the Federalists, who themselves supported a strong central government, opposed a strong central government.
  • Texas text books rewriting history.
  • That the deaths at Jamestown in its first years were because it was a socialist endeavor.
    • The truth is that, "The Jamestown settlement was a capitalist venture financed by the Virginia Company of London — a joint stock corporation — to make a profit.
  • Teddy Roosevelt was a socialist.
We could go on and on, but the lesson to be learned is that when talking to conservatives, you need to confirm if they say that milk is white.

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