Thursday, April 22, 2010

Charie Crist Gets Lucky

No, I am not talking about some sort of sordid liaison, I am referring to the fact that his primary opponent in the Florida Senate campaign, Mark Rubio, is is being investigated by the, "U.S. attorney, IRS and FBI," for misusing Republican Party of Florida credit cards for personal use:
Meanwhile, in a separate inquiry, the IRS is also looking at the tax records of at least three former party credit card holders — former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, ex-state party chairman Jim Greer and ex-party executive director Delmar Johnson — to determine whether they misused their party credit cards for personal expenses, according to a source familiar with the preliminary inquiry.


Rubio billed the party for more than $100,000 during the two years he served as House speaker, according to credit card statements obtained by the St. Petersburg Times and Miami Herald. The charges included repairs to the family minivan, grocery bills, plane tickets for his wife and purchases from retailers ranging from a wine store near his home to Apple's online store. Rubio also charged the party for dozens of meals during the annual lawmaking session in Tallahassee, even though he received taxpayer subsidies for his meals.
I'm kind of hoping for Rubio to win the Republican primary, and Crist to run as a 3rd party candidate, because I don't see Democrat Kendrick Meek winning any other way.

He's a good guy, but there are a lot of people in Florida who just won't vote for a black man.

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