Here's hoping that the Barny Frank - slightly less weak tea - bill prevails in conference committee, though if the Dems were smart, they would use finance reform as a way to get the Republicans to vote for the fat cat Wall Street bankers, and then use those votes as a cudgel in November.
But that would require that Democrats find their spines, which I think is unlikely.
They do not realize that having a backbone is something that voters place a huge value on, perhaps even more than philosophy and policy.
That's why the leading candidate in the Republican primary in Alan Grayson's district is Alan Grayson, because voters vote for politicians with guts.
Matthew - again, the story that this is a matter of spinelessness just doesn't make sense. It is much more likely that it is a matter of duplicity. The Democrats are serving the same interests as the Republicans, they are just a little less upfront about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are right - if they are going to be screwed, people would rather be screwed by someone who doesn't pretend to be their ally.