Monday, March 1, 2010

Not Much Posting Tonite Period

I was trying to backup my February posts, and it kept breaking the archive page into little bits.

It looks like this is a feature because a few bloggers had huge front pages, with lots of blogger images, and they decided to have an algorithm break up the pages into digestible chunks.

They are all "It's going to make everything so much faster."

The problem is that for some blogs, it made them single posts on the first page.

Luckily that did not happen to me, because I use Imageshack®, which significantly reduces the load that "the Google" sees, and because compared to some of the photographers who blog there, it's pretty much text based.

On the other hand, means that the monthly archives that I save to a MS Word® file are now broken up into 5-10 separate pages, and it means that it breaks Google's searches that access archive pages, because it will serve a page that now has only a 15% or so chance of having the post in question.

So, yes, the good folks at Blogger, which is owned by Google, broke Google search, and yes, many of the folks who use blogger are pretty incensed, and the response of the PTB at blogger is that the users are blogging wrong somehow.

Apparently their motto, "Don't be evil," is orthogonal to, "Don't be incompetent and arrogant assholes."

[on edit] I am looking at moving to Wordpress, but I will give it a month or so and fiddle.

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