Friday, February 26, 2010

Sally Quinn Demoted to Dirty F%$#ing Blogger

She's had a regular column, "The Party," which was basically about throwing parties, in the print edition of the WaPo, but it's going online only, or, as Gawker so evocatively states it, "Sally Quinn Relegated to WaPo Ghetto."

Basically, she devoted an entire article to the horror that is a scheduling conflict between two weddings, and it crossed line between accommodating whatever affection that Posties might have her husband, Ex Editor-in-Chief Ben Bradley, and projectile vomit risking revulsion, so she's gone, hopefully for good. (No link to Sally, you can get the link at the first link, look for, "enormous turd," but I don't link to Sally Quinn)

In any case, one wag had fun with it in an online chat with a Wapo columnist:
Burke, Va.: I'm so confused!

Our ex-boss' wife (HIS third wife) still writes for the company newsletter. Last week, she wrote a column about how her son's wedding is on the same day as her husband's granddaughter's wedding, on opposite coasts, and nobody can figure out why we're supposed to care. I guess everybody likes the old man so much that everybody's afraid to tell his wife that her column is absurd and makes the company newsletter look stupid.

Any suggestions?

Lily Garcia: It sounds like the column, although inappropriate, is basically harmless. You could try suggesting topics that you would like to see covered in the newsletter, but you should stop short of proposing that the ex-boss' wife be excluded.
In any case, this means that the level of discourse in Washington, DC has improved by a small amount.

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