Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Russian Aviation Video Pr0n

We have a video, (6:39) unfortunately in Russian, about the new PAK-FA fighter.

Thankfully, there are a sort of subtitles.

The bullet points:
  • Only 40% composites, but the Russians are very good with Titanium
  • Large AESA array, and size does matter
  • There are "5 radar antennae, 3 X-band (7.0 to 11.2 gigahertz (GHz) in the nose, and 2 L-Band (1 to 2 GHz) in the wings, which implies some ability to detect and intercept narrow band low observable targets?
  • They claim that it is, "Designed to have superior aerodynamics and sensors to counter the F-22," and my guess is that the former is true, but not the latter.
  • The will supercruise with currently installed engines, and more advanced engines are under development for the production model.
  • The aircraft will be jointly produced with India.

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