Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This Should Scare the Crap Out of You

Josh Marshall got a letter from an anonymous staffer, and while the whole letter is profoundly disturbing, the excerpt that Mr. Marshall put before the break is f%$#ing terrifying:
The worst is that I can't help but feel like the main emotion people in the caucus are feeling is relief at this turn of events. Now they have a ready excuse for not getting anything done. While I always thought we had the better ideas but the weaker messaging, it feels like somewhere along the line Members internalized a belief that we actually have weaker ideas. They're afraid to actually implement them and face the judgement of the voters. That's the scariest dynamic and what makes me think this will all come crashing down around us in November.
This is a recipe for disaster for the Democratic party, and by extension, for the country, because people want politicians to stand for something, even if it's wrong, and the Republicans waiting in the wings are far less moderate than Bush/Cheney/Rove.

Think about that: Republicans in power who would make us fondly remember the moderation of George W. Bush.

You may change your underwear now.

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