Thursday, January 28, 2010

OK, I Didn't Live Blog the SOTU

Though thankfully, because of my Eastern European Jewish heritage, I have no hangover.

That being said, I watched, and drank every time he cock-punched the DFH's,* so most of my thoughts are probably not that valuable, or coherent.

That being said, he did call for the repeal of the Military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, and now Valerie Jarrett is saying that he is, "committed to getting it done."

Now, let's see what happens when Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman get all pissy about it.

See video (11:35, and the interview with Jarret starts at about 3:05, and the exchange on DADT is at about 10:45)

*Dirty F%$#ing Hippies.

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