Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh, For Pete's Sake!!!!

Well, I'm listening to Olbermann, and Barack Hoover, or maybe it's Herbert Obama, I'm not sure which, is suggesting his latest bold initiative: A domestic spending freeze, which means that, with inflation, it's a domestic spending cut.

So, is actually trying to screw up the economy and get a Republican House, Senate and White House in 2012?

Unemployment is still rising, and he's so eager to pander to Republicans, who would hate him even if he were white, that he's determined to play Herbert Hoover, and cut the budget in the middle of a recession.

I'm beginning to think that he's actually Mitch McConnell's evil twin.

[on edit]

Original Courtesy of Quentin Tarantino, with typography by mdaisey
This has been confirmed by the Washington Post, and Maddow had White House advisor Jared Bernstein on, he said that they won't freez/cut everything, just the bad and wasteful stuff ………… During a recession……… With unemployment still climbing ……………

And they are going to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff because it works so f%$#ing well in Congress today.

Seriously, I have to evoke Samuel Jackson from pulp fiction again, because the idea that they will "only" cut the wasteful stuff projects the idea that they are trying to f%$# me like a bitch because they think that I am stupid.

Hell, it's an insult to the intelligence of Sarah Palin.


  1. This is why I voted for Hillary. She'd know enough to bring a gun to a knife fight.

  2. I voted for Hillary too.

    I would have voted for Edwards, but he pulled out...Of the election, not out of Rielle Hunter...Or so it seems.

    Damn, if you want to cheat on your cancer striken wife, DON'T RUN FOR PRESIDENT.
