Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Can't Believe That I am Saying This

This is Cindy McCain In a Pro-Gay Marriage Ad
But, I offer my support and congratulations to Cindy McCain, yes, that Cindy McCain, John McCain's wife:
Sen. John McCain's wife Cindy McCain is the newest face of a pro-gay marriage campaign.

Posing with tape over her mouth and a "NOH8" logo on her face, Cindy McCain was photographed for the NOH8 Campaign, which protests Proposition 8, the California proposition passed in 2008 banning same-sex marriage. The proposition is currently being challenged in federal court.

McCain approached the campaign herself about her participation, the NOH8 Web site says. She has spoken out on behalf of gay rights before, though this is perhaps her most prominent show of support for the issue.
Now that she realizes that John McCain will never be President, she's doing the right thing.

Better late than never.

(A big of meta: I am not using my "John Sidney McCain III" tag because Cindy is more than just an extension of her husband.)

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