Monday, January 18, 2010

Holy Crap! I'm Not in Boston Today!

Note: I'm post dating this to keep it on the top of the post for the weekend. Scroll down for new posts.

In February 1985, I went to my first science fiction convention. In October, I ran a fiction convention, NotJustAnother1 Con (NJAC). I did it again in 1986, and then started Arisia, Inc. and ran the first two conventions 1990 and 1991.

About 4 years ago, I realized something important: I don’t like science fiction conventions.

When I go to a con, I don't go to program items, I either work the con, or I self medicate.*

What's more, my involvement with running a con completely subsumes my life, and I have a family now, and, quite honestly, it's a destructive addiction thing to me, and no one wants to work with a self-destructive addict, and I don't want to be one.

It only took me 20 years to realize that I hated my hobby/obsession, and, honestly, I’ve always found the community rather unremarkable.

So I cut my losses, and following a remarkably unpleasant exchange with Arisia, Incorporated and the for-profit database vendor to whom they have outsourced their attendance and mailing list management, I had my information, and that of my wife and children, expunged from the Arisia database.

Maybe, the next time I think about calling someone “#@&ing stupid”, perhaps this experience will make me a bit kinder.§

In any case, I was driving to pick up my Son, and his drum kit, from school today, and there was an announcement for a Martin Luther King day symposium, and I realised, "MLK's Birthday? Is it Arisia again?"

So I called up their web page, and yes, it is this weekend …… Though it's technically in Cambridge, across the Charles River from Boston.

The first few years after I severed ties with the con, and the 501(c)3 corporation, I worried about it sucking me back in, but I hadn't thought about the con in months, and only made the connection because the MLK birthday announcement triggered a connection.

I find this amazing, because just a year ago, I was contacted regarding a potential dispute with an artist, whose graphic art work is the official artist, and I found that it left me pissed off for a week.

If anyone from Arisia is reading this, I will paraphrase what I said about the time:
Please note that this is NOT intended to prohibit or discourage any individual to contact me personally in a purely social context, I just don't want to discuss, or be involved with Arisia.
I would sooner give Dick Cheney a sponge bath than get sucked back in.

*Mammoth, some would say legendary, drunken binges.
Which anyone who has ever discussed SF Fans with me knows.
What part of “remove me from the list” is so hard to understand? Needless to say, this Further justified my sense of ambivalence toward science fiction fans.
§NoT!!!. I’ll still judge them harshly. Let’s be honest here. I’m going to be calling people who do stupid things while I still have two brain cells left to rub together.

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