Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Economics Update

Well, the news has been pretty good today with the American Trucking Association Truck Tonnage Index rising in December, and the Conference Board's consumer confidence index rose sharply in January, while across both ponds, the UK GSP rose in the 4th quartter opf 2009, indicating an possible end to their recession, and Japanese exports rose for the first time since the Lehman collapse.

I will note that ex-consumer confidence, these could be temporary blips from the need to restock inventories.

In the old standards of oil and currency, oil fell, largely on concerns about a downgrade on Japanese sovereign debt, while the dollar was mixed, up vs the Euro and Pound, but down vs. the Yen, and I'm just confused about that.

Mostly, I think that the markets are holding their breath waiting for the Fed's meeting this week to finish.

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